Saturday, December 19, 2009

Garlic Benefits

Dr. Yongxiang Zhang of the University of Tokyo, Japan stated that the ability of garlic inhibit the deterioration of the brain and the immune system in animal models is very impressive. That does not mean that garlic can restore youth or completely inhibit the aging process. But at least the benefits of garlic help prevent the aging process.

In addition, the study says Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, SAMC chemicals found in garlic can inhibit the growth of cancer cells. By consuming garlic, cancer risk can be reduced.

High cholesterol is usually a sign of the aging process. Garlic regularly consumed within a certain period can help lower cholesterol. Anti-cholesterol substances in garlic called ajoene help prevent blood clotting.

Dr. Gilles Fillion from the Institute Pasteur in France suspected, garlic can help relieve stress, anxiety, and depression. Of course, with a softer effect. He found that garlic be useful to help release serotonin, a chemical that is involved in regulating a wide range of mood and behavior, including anxiety, melancholy, pain, aggression, stress, lack of sleep and memory. High levels of serotonin in the brain tends to function as a sedative to appease you, make it easier to sleep, and relieve depression. Garlic helps normalize the serotonin system.


Red Beans & Gynecology Nutrition

Red bean actually has the ability to cope with various diseases, among them are able to reduce damage to blood vessels, capable of lowering blood cholesterol levels, reduce blood sugar concentration, and reduce the risk of colon cancer and breast cancer.

nutrient content in beans is very good for the health of the human body. Dried red beans are a source of vegetable protein, complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins B, folasin, thiamine, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Folasin are essential nutrients that can reduce the risk of damage to blood vessels.

Red beans contain fats and very low sodium, fat-free nearly saturated, and free kolersterol. In addition, beans are also a good source of fiber. In 100 grams of dried beans, can produce 4 grams of fiber, which consists of water-soluble fiber and insoluble fiber water. Water-soluble fiber that can significantly lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

To get the perfect properties of red beans, there are some things that need to be done in the process it. After soaking, remove red bean soaking water. Then rebuslah red beans in a saucepan, covered, for 3 minutes, and let stand for 2 hours for the water to settle. Change the soaking water with the boiled water, and let stand overnight. The next day, red beans ready to be cooked into a delicious meal. This needs to be done to eliminate the ability of red beans to produce gas in the intestines that would make the stomach feel bloated.


Wash your hands with True

Why Must Wash Hands?
Someone suffering flu nose shut with her hand as sneezing, then memagang handle on the bus, when you hold the handle, the flu bacteria may soon moved into your hands and if you hold your nose or mouth, germs can enter our bodies. That picture of how easily germs move from one person to another. Diseases such as diarrhea, intestinal worms, Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI), tuberculosis and even deadly diseases such as SARS, avian influenza (H5N1) and swine flu (H1N1) can be prevented by washing hands properly. Unfortunately, many people who crumble these healthy habits and mengganggapnya not important. And the habit to wash hands properly, you and your family life can be more healthy.

The way the Right Hand Washing

  • Proper hand washing should use soap and under running water. While the technique measures the correct hand washing is as follows.
  • Wet hands with water under a faucet or water flow.
  • Take enough liquid soap to the hands. It would be better if the soap contains antiseptic.
  • Rub your palms together.
  • Rub down to the fingertips.
  • The palm of his hand rubbing the back of your left hand (or vice versa) with a radius of each lock (alternating) between the right and left hand. Rub between the fingers. Do otherwise.
  • Place the fingers back one with the other finger back and locked to each other.
  • Rub the right thumb with left palm in a circular motion. Do the same with the left thumb.
  • Rub your palms with the other fingers back with forward movement, backward and turning. Do otherwise.
  • Hold your right wrist with his left hand and do the twist. Do well for the left hand.
  • Clean the soap from his hands under running water.
  • Dry your hands with a tissue and when using the faucet, close the faucet with a tissue.
  • Dried with a tissue better than dry hands using a hand dryer in the mall common. Because the hand dryer in a similar manner to accommodate a lot of bacteria that can spread to others.

When are you currently Washing Hands?
Proper hand washing is generally done just before eating, before preparing food, after handling raw meat, before and after touching a sick person, after using the bathroom, after coughing or sneezing or blowing your nose, after changing diapers or pads, before and after treating wounds, after cleaning or taking out the trash, after touching animals or animal waste.
You also should teach good hand washing habits to your child is still small. A delighted child learn and touch things without knowing whether the object is dirty or not. Then put his hand into the mouth or eating without washing hands. As a result the child may be suffering from the disease. According to research, child killer disease number 1 in Indonesia is because of diarrhea, but this can be prevented by teaching children to wash their hands.
Given the importance of washing hands, every step proclaimed October 15 as World Hand Washing Day. Familiarize yourself and your family to wash their hands right now.



Yoghurt or yogurt is a dairy product produced by bacterial fermentation of milk. Fermentation of lactose produces lactic acid which work on milk protein that makes yogurt more solid and has the texture and distinctive aroma. Generally the yogurt is made using cow's milk, but there are some yogurt also use soy milk.

Yogurt has been consumed for over 4500 years and has been known throughout the world today. Yogurt has a good nutrition for health. Some of the benefits of yogurt are rich in protein, contain calcium, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12.

Yogurt Benefits :

Here are some benefits of yogurt for you:

  • Healthy digestion
Based on research results, yogurt can be overcome various digestive problems such as diarrhea, colitis, colon cancer or lactose intolerance.
  • Reducing the risk of infection in the vagina
Women who consume yogurt can reduce the level of acidity (pH) so as to reduce the development of fungal infections.

  • Lowers the risk of high blood
By consuming 2-3 servings of yogurt a day, can reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

  • Preventing osteoporosis
Because the milk-based, then the yogurt contains calcium and vitamin D. Both these substances can help a person affected by osteoporosis.

  • Help us more satisfied
Calories found in yogurt to make yogurt foods that can help someone feel more full.

  • Yogurt for People with Lactose Intolerance

Lactose intolerance is the body's inability to digest lactose, the sugar most in the milk. When someone consumes lactose found in milk and products like the bacteria in the colon turn lactose into lactic acid and carbon dioxide. Within 30 minutes, come the general symptoms, which include nausea, muscle cramps, bloating, and diarrhea. What about yogurt is a dairy product as well?

Yogurt contains lactose almost as much milk, but some people can digest lactose intolerance without experiencing interference. Since yogurt contains microorganisms that synthesize lactase, and this helps the digestion of lactose. Yogurt is more easily digested by the body than milk.

Although it was a bit sour, but you can get benefits through yogurt. Currently, there are many products made from yogurt that add to the pleasure and taste of frozen yogurt as yogurt and other fruit-flavored yogurt. Consumption of yogurt can make your body healthier.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Pineapple, Slimming Body

Guess what equation pineapple fruit with the world soccer player Ronaldo? The answers are equally derived from the land of Samba, Brazil, and has advantages that invite admiration clicking sound. Pineapple abroad pineaplle known as this has advantages worth thumbs up. Pineapple can shed the excess fat in the body. Thanks to the pineapple, which was originally gembul body slowly becomes thinner and singset.

Not only that. Fruit whose skin was filled with golden scales makes the body's defense system becomes more solid. Vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, dextrose,
sucrose, as well, and the enzyme bromelain and fruit stored pineapples is a tough bullet that could knock raid serious diseases, such as tumors, atherosclerosis (narrowing of blood vessels), and beri-beri.

Pineapple is a potential medicinal plant. According to Drs. Setiawan Dalimartha in his book Plant Medicine Atlas Indonesia, the enzyme bromelain in pineapple fruit as a potent anti-inflammatory, helps soften the food in the stomach, interfere with cancer cell growth, and prevent blood clotting (blood coagulation).

Pineapple fiber is high enough, appropriate treatment of constipation. Eat pineapple fruit, it means taking laxatives (constipation). In effect, large bowel which had been choked, become smooth again. Pineapple is also good enough is consumed by people who are sick. In pineapple contained substances that can enhance drug absorption into the body.

Lifting the dead skin cells
Pineapple fruit and leaves also useful to clean the dead skin tissue (skin debridement). An experiment conducted on mice that some had burns showed that the enzyme in pineapple leaves and fruit can be picked up the dead skin tissue from burns. These enzymes continue to work until the tissue appeared healthy.

Benefits pick Pineapple
Lose weight
Take 1 piece of pineapple is not too ripe, peeled and then washed clean. Cut as needed, and juice or grated, then squeezed the water. Pineapple juice water so that the maximum obtained, squeezed by using clean rags. Drinking water and pineapple. Apply 2 times a day.

Select 3 fruit yet ripe pineapple. Peel and wash clean. Grated or juice, then squeeze the water. Drinking pineapple juice 2 times daily after meals. Each half-cup.

Sore throat
Provide 2 ripe pineapple fruit. Peel the skin, wash clean, cut as needed, then grated or created juice. Squeeze the water. Drink 3 times a day, each 1 / 3 part.

Bloated or full feeling in the stomach for digestion disrupted
Pineapple juice about 30 minutes before eating. Do it 3 times a day around each of 1 / 2 cup (150 cc).

Select 1 young pineapple fruit. Peel and wash until clean, then rinse with water and cooking grate. Squeeze grated and filtered water. Minumkan little by little the children who suffer from intestinal worms.

Provide 1 / 2 fruit ripe pineapple. Peel the skin, grated, squeezed and filtered water. Add 1 lemon juice into the water pineapple. Mix well. Kemudia rubbing the scalp of dandruff. Do it before bed and keramaslah next day. Do it 2-3 times a week.

Inflammation of the skin (dermatitis)
Provide 1 / 2 fruit ripe pineapple. Peel, wash clean, and scarring. Rub the skin of the sick. Do it at night before bed. Leave overnight and wash the next day.

Burns, itching, ulcers
Take some pineapple leaves, wash thoroughly and mash until smooth. Balurkan on the skin of the sick.

Sprain or bruise
Provide fruit 1 ripe pineapple, peeled, washed, cut into pieces as needed. Cut pineapple juice earlier, and drinking water as well.

Side effects pineapple
Not everyone is free to consume the pineapple. This one fruit has the side effect

1. Pineapple abortion as a young abortivum or potentially a drug that can be an abortion. Therefore, pineapple is often used to overcome a late period. Pregnant women are advised to not consume young pineapple.
2. In rheumatic trigger gastrointestinal tract, pineapple fruit fermented into alcohol. This isa trigger rheumatic gout recurrence. This could trigger a relapse rheumatic gout. People with rheumatism and arthritis are encouraged to limit consumption of pineapple.
3. Improving blood sugar pineapple ripe fruits contain sugar levels are high enough. People with diabetes should not consume excessive pineapple.
4. Sometimes itchy after eating fresh pineapple, mouth and tongue itch. To avoid them before you eat, rendamlah pineapple fruit pieces with salt water.


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Bananas, a million benefits

Ever imagine what it feels like to be William's brothers, title holder of the world women tennis match? In addition to the qualified skills, of course, the prima stamina is the key for them to stay ahead in the field. Imagine! Sometimes Williams sisters have played for more than 6 hours to win the game!

If you carefully notice, that nutrient intake most favorite tennis athlete is bananas! Yes, bananas became the savior for them. Banana mempu easily absorbed by the body and restore their peak energy.

In general, the nutrients contained in each ripe bananas are as follows: calories 99 calories, 1.2 grams protein, 0.2 fat grams, carbohydrates 25.8 milligrams (mg), 0.7 grams fiber, 8 mg calcium , phosphorus 28 mg, 0.5 mg iron, 44 RE vitamin A, 0.08 mg vitamin B, vitamin C 3 mg and 72 grams of water.

Ingredients bananas very much, consisting of minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, fiber, protein, fat, etc., so that if people only ate bananas alone, has provided for a minimum

Select the Best Qualified Bananas!
Choose ripe bananas, whose skin is yellowish green with brown or yellow spots, because it would be easy to digest, and fruit sugar naturally converted into glucose quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, raw banana would be difficult to digest.

Various Benefits of Bananas

Power Source Power
Bananas can easily digested, the sugar found in fruit is converted into a good source of energy quickly, and that's good in the formation of the body, to work the muscles, and very good to relieve fatigue.

Benefits for You and Your Baby
Bananas are also recommended for pregnant women consumed because they contain folic acid, which is easily absorbed through the womb fetus. However, do not be too much, because one banana contains about 85-100 calories.

Benefits to Patients with Anemia
Two bananas are eaten by anemia patients each day is enough, because it contains Fe (iron) high.

Benefits for Colon and Stomach Illness
Banana milk mixed with liquid (or put in a glass of liquid milk) can serve as a remedy in cases of intestinal disease. It can also be recommended for patients with abdominal pain and Cholik to neutralize stomach acidity.

A banana served as a defense against inflammation because vitamin C can be quickly processed. He transforms into a dangerous bacillus bacillus friendly. Thus, both will be saved.

Mashed banana or banana cream (such as for baby food), can be consumed by patients suffering from diarrhea.

Benefits for People with Lever
Patients with liver disease consume bananas good two plus one tablespoon of honey, will increase appetite and create a strong.

Benefit for Burn Injuries
Banana leaves can be used for the treatment of burned skin dioles way, a mixture of banana leaf ash plus coconut oil has a cooling influence of the skin.

Benefits for Diabetes
In the Gorontalo (North Sulawesi), type of banana banana goroho local characteristic, is the extra food / essential for those who suffer from diabetes / diabetes mellitus, especially bananas goroho immature, then steamed and mixed with grated young coconut.

Banana and Beauty
Banana porridge mixed with a little milk and honey, dabbed at his face on a regular basis every day for 30-40 minutes. Rinse with warm water then rinse with cold water or ice, repeated for 15 days, will produce an amazing effect on the skin.

Bananas for Body Weight Set
Bananas also have a role in weight loss as well as to raise the weight. Has proved a person lose weight by dieting 4 (four) and bananas 4 (four) cups of non fat milk or fresh milk per day at least 3 days a week, the number of calories in 1250 only and the menu is healthy.

In addition, these diets do not make skin greasy and clean. On the other hand, consume a glass of banana milk shake mixed with honey, fruits, nuts, and mango after dinner, would raise the weight.

Other Benefits
In "Medicinal Uses of Bananas" (, 2002) mentions, that the banana has a benefit in the treatment of anemia, lowered blood pressure, the energy to think, are rich in fiber to help your diet, banana peel can be used as an anti-mosquito cream, help nervous system, can help smokers to eliminate the influence of nicotine, stress, prevent stroke, body temperature control, especially for pregnant women, neutralize stomach acidity, and so on.

Banana plants genetically to produce cheaper vaccines and as an alternative for the defense of children from disease. Researchers are trying from bananas to produce antigens for Hepatitis B. The virus coating If the Hepatitis B vaccine is successful will be very cheap.
